steve and alex action shot

Epic Minecraft Adventure: Every moment on ENDOS SMP is a stepping-stone to your next grand adventure. Mine deep into the world's heart, build architectural masterpieces, and explore uncharted biomes - all while fueling your creativity!

Vein Meiner Mod for Minecraft

Cool Mods: Are you ready to level up your Minecraft game? Our server is loaded with awesome, kid-friendly mods, including veinminer and permissions, designed to maximize your fun and gaming experience.

Minecraft Lego Giveaways

Fun Contests & Giveaways: Participate in thrilling contests and giveaways, get a chance to win exciting prizes, and showcase your Minecraft prowess. Remember, it's not just about winning; it's about having fun, getting creative, and becoming a part of our vibrant community!

Exclusive Members-Only Community: Join our members-only server to be part of a squad of like-minded, passionate Minecraft enthusiasts. Forge alliances, participate in group quests, or compete in friendly in-game challenges - the possibilities are endless!

cool minecraft stickers

Exclusive Stickers: Flaunt your ENDOS SMP pride with our exclusive members-only sticker, featuring our unique logo. Let the world know you're part of an epic Minecraft adventure!